The Hopebroidery Box is a monthly subscription box for all your stitching needs - each month, I send you at LEAST $45 worth of materials and resources, including a full-length video tutorial where I take you through that month's pattern stitch-by-stitch!
If you're not sure if you want to subscribe, or maybe you subscribed but skipped Feburary 2019 - I've got some great news for you! I have made a VERY limited number of extra Feburary boxes that you can purchase as a one-off (i.e., without subscribing)!
The February 2019 box includes the following supplies: star scissors Kelmscott Designs (retail value $15),Needle ($1), metal needle threader ($2.49), cotton twill fabric ($2), four inch bambooembroidery hoop ($2), Sublime Stitching floss palette ($9), a pencil to transfer your design,plus TWELVE patterns and a full length video tutorial ($67; I’ll be selling these patternsindividually on the site soon, so if your friend is interested in one, you’ll be able to directthem there!). This brings the total value of February’s box to $98.49! Y’ALL: this is notnormal. If you’re a regular subscriber, you know the box is usually valued at around $50, but all of those extra patterns really put us over the edge! Note: All prices are in USD, and onlyinclude shipping if it’s an item that can ONLY be bought online, such as Sublime Stitchingfloss.
Your box will come as a small, white box with all supplies included. You will also receive an email from me with your digital patterns and a link and password for your full-length video tutorial, so keep an eye out for that!
This month's pattern is great for beginners who want to have enough patterns to last them all year! Why? Well, because February's box includes patterns for all 12 zodiac constellations! In the video tutorial, I take you through Aquarius, and you will be able to use the same techniques to recreate any of the other 11 hoops. These make great gifts for loved ones and are in gender neutral colors, so they make great gifts to new parents, too!
I will be shipping these boxes within 2-4 business days of your order, so make sure to be checking your email for tracking updates.
Have questions? Shoot me an email at and I'll be happy to help!
NOTE: Purchasing this box will NOT sign you up for the monthly subscription. :)
The Hopebroidery Box - February 2019
All Kits 20% Off!
Unfortunately, this product is NOT available for returns or exchanges.